About Me

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I am a mother, an artist, a dialysis patient, and a dork.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Welcome to the Nuthouse!

Hello my friends! Mamadork's Treetop Nuthouse is now open for "business"!
What is Mamadork's Treetop Nuthouse, you say? Well, my friends, it is a place where you can read up about interesting fun stuff that I come across and store up, fun little crafty things i find and/or do, and all-around nerdy/squirrely goodness!  (And of course, I am SURE I will throw in a large amount of randomness as well!)

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!!! :)


  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I have two, because I'm greedy; one personal and one related to Blokey being on dialysis/receiving my kidney. I've taken the liberty of linking to here from my kidney blog ... hope you don't mind!

    Poppylicious x

  2. Thats great! Thank you!
    What is urs? Id love to rread!
